Thursday, October 1, 2009

Oh Technology...

I was so excited last month when Ryan told me we had a web cam! To which I replied, "How did I not know that!?" So he showed me how to use it and I am now a new girl! I quickly logged onto Skype, created my account, and began chatting with Emily, Eric, and Cindy. On Mom's birthday we surprised her with Skype at the lake by calling Emily, meeting Gabo, and chatting with Eric and Cindy. Mom was so excited, she took a picture of Eric and Cindy!

It is actually easier to talk on Skype while I'm doing things around the house. We also hold Rylan up to the camera like the Lion King so they can see how much he's grown. One night Mom, Ryan, Emily, and I had dinner together. She couldn't see all of us but she sat at the end of the table where the extra chair is.

What a great invention...and it's free!

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