Sunday, May 8, 2011

Back to January

I have been meaning to post for months now. (Of course, this is the story of my life.) I wanted to go back and include some pictures and fun times we have had during 2011 even though it is already May. I would really like for this blog to help us highlight family fun as well as milestones. So I'll back up...

Rylan played in the snow for the first (and really only time) January 6th. We bundled up and headed out. It took as long to bundle as we actually spent outside. He loved standing in it, but was very unsure when he would fall down mainly because he needed help getting up. We had a great time! Here are some pictures...

2 days later Rylan woke up at his usual very early hour and we spent a normal Saturday morning watching Mickey Mouse on the couch for the first little while we were awake. Well, he was awake, we were cuddling on the couch and I wasn't awake at all. :) So when we moved from the couch, I decided to peek outside and see if we got anymore snow because that's what they were predicting. You may know what the snow predictions are like, sometimes correct, sometimes not. This is what I saw...

I was honestly speechless, and as dumbfounded as I was, Rylan had no idea what I was so worked up about. I really wanted to wake Ryan up, but knew this was not a good enough reason. Needless to say our late family Christmas for the Hendrick's side was canceled. We were snowed in. It continued to snow all day. Below are more pictures from our big snow...

This is Ryan's truck. He happened to parked in the street because he was going to clear the driveway the night before. Good thing he didn't, it would've have been time wasted!

Ryan clearing the driveway. This snow blower is one of the best investments we have ever made.

This is Rylan's playset. It has a slide that you can't see. It continued to snow all day and we got about 6 more inches.

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