Tuesday, July 5, 2011


April brought a much welcomed spring and visit to Chicago to see new baby Tessa B! We had a fun couple of days hanging out with the Purdue pals at the Burritt's and the zoo. We had three 2 year olds at the zoo. Rylan was clearly the "stongest willed" of the group asserting himself each time it was time to go back in his stroller to see another animal or go somewhere else in general.Rylan and Kyri

Rylan, Kyri, and Conn0r

We had a great weekend together as usual. Rylan has been going through this scared of animals phase though, so that was less than enjoyable with the Burritt's pooch, and all of the animals at the zoo. He loves to talk about going to see animals, and see them in books, but the movement up close was not his thing.

We also had a VERY hot day in April. One Sunday, it was in the 80s. We busted out Rylan's wagon he got from Santa. We took a walk on the path by the river. I felt like I had walked 5 miles and we really only went about 2. And we were walking pretty slow. My hands were swollen, and I was moving like a turtle by the end. I told Ryan I didn't know what I was going to do mid-July. I think I was just so hot because it had just stopped snowing the week before.

We also did Easter with the family in April. We had a great day. Rylan loved picking up the eggs and then throwing them out of the basket. Due to all of the fun with egg hunting, he melted down at church, and they flashed his name up on the screen. We figured that may happen, that boy needs his sleep! Here are some pictures of him enjoying the eggs.Heather and Greg won the "big kid" egg hunt at Nana and Papa's. Ryan and I didn't do so bad though, it took me a long time to spend all of our change on Diet Cokes. :)

1 comment:

Teri said...

Woohoo we got a shout out!! Love the update! And can't wait for our next Purdue get-together!!