Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Birthdays in the Hospital

With having Lucy on the 5th, I was scheduled to go home on my birthday. Mom's whole birthday was wrapped up in helping with Rylan, getting him to and from school, and bringing him up to see us. I was surprised how sad I was in the evening after Rylan left the hospital. He was glad to see me, but didn't really love being confined in the space of our room. He also knew he was going to see Lucy, and called the hospital "Lucy's house". Thankfully he didn't seem to mind when we brought her home to live at our house.

Ryan reading to Rylan at the hospital to keep him busy.

While you're at the hospital, when you take medicine or order food (which was awesome, they have a new menu) they ask you your birthday to confirm you are you. When the gal brought me my breakfast on Thursday, she said "What's your birth date?" I responded, "Today is my birthday!" Then they brought me a cake at lunch! It was such a nice treat!

Here is the cake they brought me. Notice the "cravings" menu under the cake. It was like room service.

Ryan holding Lucy before we headed home.

Mom picked up Rylan on Thursday because we were coming home from the hospital later that evening. Of course we had to stop for McDonald's diet cokes and Hacienda to Go on the way home. When we got home, Mom and Rylan were coming out the front door and Rylan yelled, "Did you bring Baby Lucy home with you?". He was excited we were all back to normal again.

Here we are getting out of the car. I have the Hacienda bag in my hand! Happy Birthday to Me!

Rylan peeking in at Lucy.

Our new family of four at home for the first time.

It was a great birthday week! Next year it will be even more fun with Lucy turning 1.

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